Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Another year comes crashing down with all the weight and all the sound...

It looks like it's going to be a big year for me... With all the choices I have to make and changes that are coming my way I've been towing a line between sheer terror and hopeful excitement. I don't think that anyone is ever too old to spread their wings and experience new things - although I tend to think that it's much easier the younger you are. The older I get the more I feel as though I can't make mistakes, that things have to be perfect this time around because they weren't before. And while I'm entering this next chapter of my life with a great deal of determination, it's also tempered with cynicism and self-doubt.  Today, though, I have to keep my focus and start what will be my last semester of school in Wyoming on the right foot.


  1. I'm so happy you're blogging Lace! It's a real treat to read your words and perspective. I like that even though you are having doubts you ended your first entry on a positive note. And you're right, you are never too old to make changes. Try not to be too hard on yourself because none of us are perfect. Looking forward to future entries.

    1. Thanks for reading, Ames! I have kinda isolated myself for the last little while - it feels good to be communicating and sharing my thoughts again... Love you!
