Thursday, January 19, 2012

"I just don't want you to ever leave me."

So sometimes I forget - after all the bullshit, drama, and hard work - why I ever wanted to go into the profession that I have worked in for 6 and a half years. Last night at work I got a reminder.

I have two ladies that I take care of that I absolutely love to be around. No matter what kind of mood I am in they make me smile. These two women, I will admit, I treat a little differently than my other residents. I sing to them, dance for them (and, yes, I am a terrible dancer), tell them jokes, and sometimes - when I have the time - I snuggle up next to them like they are my own grandmother. Last night, after a long day and not a lot of sleep, I sat down next to one of them and chatted for a bit. After a few minutes I had to get up and leave and she looked at me and asked when I would be back, I told her I would come back and make sure she was sleeping and she said to me, "I just don't want you to ever leave me."

That is the reason I do the job I do. I live for those human interactions - however brief they may be. There is something to be said about being a person that someone relies upon and needs to have around but also wants to have around.


  1. How cute! I have my moments when I wonder why I am in the field I'm in but I have moments like that too that remind me. I think the bottom line is that we are "helping" people and that is bound to have an impact on the people we help.

  2. I have seen you brighten the day of more than a few patients over the years. I am sure that you are a comfort to them. I think that even with all the stress and everything else, you are good at what you do and you should be very proud of yourself.
